2021-12-16 10:09:43
江苏教师招聘考试 来源:南京大学
本系立足国际前沿、面向国家重大需求,围绕新型程序设计与软件方法学、机器学习与智能化信息处理、分布计算与系统安全、媒体计算与内容处理、理论计算机科学等方向,实现了基础研究引领创造技术新突破,建成了包括中国科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、ACM/AAAI/IEEE Fellow、长江/杰青/国家特聘 7 人和四青 11 人在内的“战略科学家引领、中坚聚力攻关、青年潜心克难”的拔尖人才队伍。
Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Openings
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China
1. The Department
The Computer Science program at Nanjing University is one of the earliest established, and also one of the most successful, in China. Its strengths in software engineering, machine learning, and other areas have received wide national and international recognitions. In particular, the State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology has been consistently ranked as the best computer science laboratory by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for 15 years.
The Department of Computer Science and Technology currently has a BS, a MS, and a PhD program. Its faculty conduct active research in areas such as novel programming and software methodologies, machine learning and intelligent information processing, distributed computing and system security, media computing and content processing, and theoretical computer science. Faculty members have been elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europaea, as well as Fellow of important organizations like ACM, AAAI, and IEEE.
2. Description of Openings
The Department of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University invites applications for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in all areas of computer science. There is one opening at the level of tenured associate professor, one at the level of tenure-track associate professor, and three at the level of tenure-track assistant professor.
3. Qualifications
Applicants shall abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and devoted to teaching and scientific research;Applicants shall have good ethics and virtues, abide by academic research norms, work with due diligence, have no criminal record and shall not have any record of violations of the provisions on the teaching ethics and academic research norms.
Applicants must have a PhD degree in computer science or a related area; postdoctoral experience at world leading institutions will be a plus. A successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the department through research, teaching, and student mentorship. Therefore, a strong record of research publications and demonstration of teaching ability are also essential. We encourage applications from all ethnic and gender backgrounds.
4. Working at Nanjing University
A successful applicant will be provided with:
(1) A competitive annual salary (commensurate with qualifications and experience);
(2) Research start-up funds;
(3) Graduate student quotas;
(4) Moving allowance, and possible housing subsidiary;
(5) Assistance for children’s school enrollment.
5. Application Materials Required
(1) Cover letter (specifying research direction and position level);
(2) Curriculum Vitae (including a publication list);
(3) Research Statement;
(4) Research Plan;
(5) Three reference letters;
(6) Teaching Statement.
6. Important Dates
Ø Application deadline: December 31, 2021
Ø Expected date of announcement of application results: The end of May, 2022
7. Contact Us
Ø Tel.: +86 (0)25 89683126 (Mr. Zhang)
Ø Email: zycs@nju.edu.cn
Ø Website: https://cs.nju.edu.cn